Women are underrepresented in the tech industry, but some have managed to break through. These women share their stories of how they became innovators and leaders in the field.

1) Eileen Burbidge, co-founder of Passion Capital and Tech City UK board member.

Burridge co-founded Passion Capital, a technology investment firm with over $200 million under management. Before this, she worked at Lehman Brothers, where she founded their European venture capital business. Burridge also currently holds Tech City UK board member position and has worked with MasterCard, Visa, and Transferwise. She is an active philanthropist, supporting both causes domestically as well as internationally.

Burbidge’s interest in her future career began to show when she was just nine years old. Her family home had an early computer system, and she was curious about the technology but did not have any access to it. As a result, Burridge began to spend hours at her local library to learn more about the operating system.

2)  Bethany Saint Clair, Director, EDI Programs, OpenText.

Bethany Saint Clair says that she is usually the first Woman of Color people have had the opportunity to work with, and that she uses these opportunities to build bridges between communities. She has founded a nonprofit, Renaissance 21, to help encourage people in minority groups that are generally underrepresented in the STEM fields to consider pursuing a career in a scientific discipline. Saint Clair is an accomplished engineer and leader herself, and hopes that her position and her work will help inspire others to follow her into the tech industry.

3) Martha Lane Fox, founder and executive chairwoman of Doteveryone and UK government advisor on digital inclusion.

Lane Fox founded Doteveryone, a nonprofit organization that focuses its efforts on improving digital access and literacy for everyone in the UK. Before this work, Lane Fox was appointed by Prime Minister David Cameron to the role of an advisor on digital inclusion, where she encouraged small-business growth through technology as well as provided consultation for the government.

4) Julie Wainwright, founder and CEO of The RealReal.

Wainwright founded The RealReal, a luxury consignment e-commerce site focusing specifically on authentic designer goods for resale. Before this, she had been an entrepreneur for quite some time and owned a successful video rental store.